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Hello (sorry for writing in English, I dont speak Swedish at the moment)

I am moving to Lund for six months from London at the beginning of May (I only found out last month).

I have found lots of useful information here about running routes around the

You could try contacting Björnstorps IF. They have training in Lund as well as outside Lund in the woods in a place called Skrylle.
Unfortunately their site is in swedish. If you need a direct contact,

You could also try this Facebookgroup

Björnstorp IF are doing interval training every thursday at 6 pm. You are welcome to join us!
If you prefer to do your intervals in the forest, you are welcome to Skrylle forest on tuesdays, same time. 😀

Thanks Sara, I have already been in email contact with Alf! and looking forward to trying out the Tuesday and Thursday sessions soon after I arrive!