Corporate Challenges



En Svensk Klassiker är hjärtat i motionssverige. Med sina traditionsfyllda och högklassiska evenemang har man en aktiv roll i det svenska samhället. Nu lanserar paceUP! ‘Jobbklassikern’, en ny digital distansutmaning där alla kan delta för att göra Sverige...
KARO and paceUP!

KARO and paceUP!

KARO is a long standing partner of paceUP! Read more about their work with Corporate Health below and on LinkedIn. At Karo we care about people’s health and well-being, which in these times is more important than ever. Looking at our own company we asked...
The Itello paceUP! Challenge

The Itello paceUP! Challenge

Our friends at Itello ran a paceUP! Corporate Challenge in October. Take part of their LinkedIn update below. Thanks to Itello’s paceUP challenge, October turned out to be an incredible month – filled with exercising and collecting activity points. Our Team...