paceUP! Joins Hands with Karo Healthcare to Support Operation Smile’s Move for a Smile Digital Event

20 October 2023

Since 2018, Karo Healthcare has been dedicated to supporting Operation Smile in their mission to bring smiles and hope to children born with cleft lip and palate. This noble cause has gained momentum year after year, and in a heartwarming gesture of solidarity, paceUP! has joined forces with Karo Healthcare to ensure the success of their annual “Move for a Smile” digital event.

For the third consecutive year, Karo’ites, as employees of Karo Healthcare are affectionately known, have come together to raise funds for Operation Smile through the “Move for a Smile” activity. The event has taken off with full vigor with participants from all offices around Europe.

At the core of this event is the profound commitment to making a real and tangible difference in the lives of children affected by cleft lip and palate. The concept is simple but powerful: for every participant who engages in the “Move for a Smile” initiative, Karo Healthcare will make a generous contribution of €250 to Operation Smile. This contribution goes directly toward covering the costs of life-changing cleft surgeries for children in need.

Operation Smile a renowned global medical charity, has been tirelessly working to provide free cleft palate and cleft lip surgeries to children in need. Their mission is to bring back the smiles that these children so rightfully deserve, and they have been doing just that for over three decades.

The collaboration between Karo Healthcare and paceUP! to support Operation Smile is a testament to the power of community, dedication, and the desire to make a meaningful impact. With each step taken, every kilometer run, and every heartfelt donation, the lives of these young patients are transformed. What’s even more remarkable is that a seemingly ordinary act of physical activity is all it takes to bring about a profound change in a child’s life.

In a world where digital platforms and technology have become integral to our daily lives, it’s heartening to see the use of these tools to inspire hope, rally support, and create meaningful change. The “Move for a Smile” digital event is an exemplary model of how modern technology can be harnessed for the greater good, making it easier than ever for individuals to contribute to a cause they deeply care about.

As the “Move for a Smile” digital event gains momentum, it serves as a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. By participating, donating, or simply spreading the word, we can collectively change the lives of children born with cleft lip and palate. Every step counts, every contribution matters, and together, we can create more smiles and brighter futures for children around the world.


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