Tough Viking Virtual Challenge

16 April 2020

Great news! To inspire you all, Tough Viking challenge you to participate in Tough Viking Virtual Challenge (free of charge). The only thing you need is the paceUP! app, the nature and your creativity to create your own Tough Viking course. After finish you will receive a digital finisher medal. Use the hashtag #toughvikingvirtualchallenge to have the chance to win awesome products from our web shop, the dirtier you are after the race the better!

Virtual Challenge Race Calendar
25th of April 2020 – Slottsskogen
9th of May 2020 – Stockholms Stadion
6th of June 2020 – Oslo

Start & Track
Run where you are! You decide where you run, but it’s important that you run at least 8km and paceUP! app will log your race. At each 250 meter you shall make 10 push-ups or 10 burpees (see how to below). Make them with pride and in good shape! We might control you.

  • 0 m start running
  • 250 m 10 push-ups (chest to the ground and up to straight arms)
  • 500 m 10 burpees (chest to the ground and up to straight arms above your head with a small jump)
  • 750 m 10 push ups
  • 1000 m 10 burpees
  • 1250 m 10 push ups
  • And so on up to 7750 m.
  • The last 250 meters is your running finish

After 8 km you will receive your digital medal.

The dirtier you are after the race the better. Use the hashtag #toughvikingvirtualchallenge to show us in social media and have the chance to win great products from our store.

Timing & Distance
You run the distance of the race (8km) directly with the paceUP! app. The first race will take place the 25th of April between 10.00 – 18.00. The paceUP! app is also compatible with your Garmin watch

Finisher Medal
When you have finished the race, you will receive a digital finisher medal.


  • Download paceUP! and create an account (it’s completely free) – if you already have an account, you can skip this step. Make sure to allow notifications for the paceUP! app. We will send out information through the app.
  • Follow the link for Tough Viking and register the same email you used to create your paceUP! account
  • The group shows up under ‘Leaderboard’ on the right side in the app (you need to shut down and start the app after registration to see the change)
  • Start logging your activities and compare your activity with the other members in the group.
  • Run Tough Viking Slottsskogen the 25th of April between 10.00-18.00.

Good luck!


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